own project, in other words to turn their limitation into motivation. To be involved in solving their problem to bring together a team using the combined power of solidarity (All Together), of homemade (Do It Yourself) and of digital manufacturing (FabLab)
The objective is to demonstrate and propagate “Humanlab” workshops where humans will learn how to repair themselves worldwide.
The association was first created to accompany Nicolas Huchet’s bionicohand project : reduced cost completion of a bionic upper limb prosthesis Open Source, holder of many national awards.
Between 2013 and 2016, Nicolas Huchet demonstrated the feasibility of an open-source bionic prosthetic hand and replicable for less than 1,000 $ based on fablabs and collective intelligence. Over 20 countries have been covered in 3 years, and many similar projects have emerged.
Through his project, Nicolas Huchet helped build an international network of prototypers, schools, medical professionals, hackers and fablabs experimenting and inventing new solutions.
We claim the utopia of a rapid spread of host methods, mediation, and technical disabled technical aids.
We believe that it is possible to find an economical model compatible with the re-use of non-commercial plans crossing social usefulness, watch, training, participatory methods and modern tools.
But above all, we believe that taking part of one’s own solution by self-making is a key to turn one’s limitation into motivation. This is what we call “handicapowerment” and it makes us different from a research and development laboratory focused on the only technical performance.
For My Human Kit human and social dimension is fundamental to feel alive. Our project aims at developing capacity to act rather than passiveness.
My Human Kit is a community, an association, partners but also employees.
Association founder, Nicolas is now famous for his opening the way with his Bionicohand project. He is both a maker, a lecturer together with an assembler of skills at the service of what he calls “handicapowerment”, in other words the transformation of his limitations into motivation. Nicolas spreads the project internationally, gathers talents, crossing different worlds, and supervises among others the suites of the bionic prosthesis project.
His nickname comes from the contraction between Nicolas and bionics.
A web veteran. Hugues has accompanied the deployment of associative structures, companies and territories. He discovers digital manufacturing in 2011 before developing from 2013 to 2016 Rennes fablab, the LabFab.
Project coordinator, he ensures the compliance of the road book of the association and in particular, supervises online tools to develop the community.
his nickname comes from the force with him
International adventurer with many trades, Delphine has successfully resumed her studies in 2015 passing with honors her Master’s thesis dedicated to digital manufacturing.
Programming, digital art, music, electronic, web design and mediation are part of her range of skills that she has henceforth ceased exercising as volunteer to integrate the team of My Human Kit as a professional.
She is now fabmanager in the Humanlab as well as project manager especially in charge of the documentation of the prototypes
Teacher in a technical school and “do-it- yourself” lover artist in sound exploring. Yohan is fan of open source, electronics, technology and sharing. He has had a great sense of the human as well as technical dimension for many years. He is the one who supervises at the same time the home Humanlab formulas, teaching formats and the technical part of the project.
his nickname comes from his passion for synthesizers called “modular”.
John Lejeune is the president of My Human Kit association since September 2016.
Pioneer of digital fabrication and open source, he is currently fabmanager at the historical Fablab of Rennes located within the School of Fine Arts.
His nickname “Nightlybuild” originates from his past as a nocturnal software developer.
David Garault is one of the founders and secretary on the board of My Human Kit since its creation in 2014. He has accompanied the team in the structuring of the project since the beginning, but also brings his humor.
His nickname “Dave” does not refer to a famous french singer 🙂