
Our volunteers: My Human Kit’s (small, non-bionic) hands

From manual work to design, IT to handicraft, not to forget, of course, the main ingredient: a personal touch. They are between 12 and 73 years old and, while we can’t list all of them, it’s important for us through this article to introduce some of those who gave a…

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The Humanlab – Rennes: Change in the way we will welcome customers and presentation of our summer program

Hello everybody, Summer has arrived. The sun is shining, and the clouds are moving in the now cleared up sky. What’s that noise inside my head? The humming sound of bees! I hear the pleasures of life roaring with power…The Humanlab, our digital creation workshop, will follow Askoria this year…

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The commons : essential ressources (especially with covid19)

It is vital to share knowledge in times of crisis and it is a logical reaction for human beings to help each other when everything is going badly. This mindset is natural in communities working for the common goods and COVID-19 shows the extent to which collaborations allow the creation…

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Fokus on Mobility : 3 days of collective fabrication to motorize wheelchairs

Fokus on mobility : a hackathon on disability and digital fabrication. From February 19th to February 21st 2020, My Human Kit brought a dozen people together to manufacture solutions to simplify the daily life of people with reduced mobility. Mechanics, welders, electronics engineers, people with disabilities and volunteers joined forces…

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Make a donation: an opportunity to support us

To help us put all this into action, you can make us a donation here. Thank you in advance ! But first and foremost, what is all this? My Human Kit, what do you do ? The year 2019 is coming to an end, bringing forward the opportunity to recall…

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Play as you are at the Paris Games Week

From the 23rd to the 27th of October 2019, the Paris Games Week was held. This is a festival dedicated to videogames. We are part of this event and are present at the Play As You Are area (“Jouez Comme Vous Êtes” in French), a place for making videogames more…

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The Fabrikarium workshop with My Human Kit and ArianeGroup: a bit closer to the stars

The first Fabrikarium with ArianeGroup was held from the 16th to the 18th of October. But what is a Fabrikarium? Following the example of a hackathon, it consists in mixing different skills to respond to the needs of a person with a disability. After Bordeaux for the world championship of…

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Message from our correspondent in Japan

“From repaired humans to enhanced humans?” The technology service of the French Embassy invited me to this debate at the University of Tokyo on the 29th June. I went as the development leader of My Human Kit but also as a user of forearm prothesis, whether high-tech or DIY. This…

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When summer ends…we must go back to school

When it comes to the end of summer, either on the beach or at home; when we must close windows to keep freshness out, it reminds us to forget about our flip-flops:-) This summer has been warm and cosmopolitan: in August took place a meeting including key actors in the…

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A look back at the solidarity race of the Petite Lande middle school in Rezé

It was under the Nantes sun and the encouragement of the public that the solidarity race of the Petite Lande middle school took place. On Saturday, it was at 8:30 that we could hear the first footsteps in Rezé’streets. Their hearts racing, sneakers on their feet and a smile on…

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