My Human Kit présente !

Tous les accessoires pour fauteuils roulants

Un interrupteur ultra sensible

Des robots qui dessinent une fresque collective

Un chauffage d'appoint pour fauteuil roulant électrique

Embosseuse permettant de convertir un texte en braille

Dans l'agenda

  • We will be in Rezé, at the Petite Lande middle school, to receive a cheque from the donations of the solidarity race of March 30, 2019. The pupils managed to raise €19,470! Who said that kids were lazy? Many thanks and hats off to Michel Fréard, a technology teacher who…

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  • The French Embassy, in Japan, is organising a debate at the University of Tokyo. The aim is to discuss the prospects offered by technologies for ‘repairing’ or even ‘augmenting’ humans by inviting speakers from various backgrounds (makers’ culture, anthropology, artificial intelligence and engineering). The debate will be followed by a…

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  • With the partnership of the Loire-Atlantique department, the Petite Lande middle school, in Rezé, organised a hackaton with a 20-strong team. The team was composed of members from My Human Kit and the APAJH44 association. The hackaton revolved around the three following subjects: The development and manufacturing of a cleaning…

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Sur le blog

29 July 2020
From manual work to design, IT to handicraft, not to forget, of course, the main ingredient: a personal touch. They are between 12 and 73 years old and, while we can’t list all of them, it’s important for us through this article to introduce some of those who gave a…

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29 June 2020
Hello everybody, Summer has arrived. The sun is shining, and the clouds are moving in the now cleared up sky. What’s that noise inside my head? The humming sound of bees! I hear the pleasures of life roaring with power…The Humanlab, our digital creation workshop, will follow Askoria this year…

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27 April 2020
It is vital to share knowledge in times of crisis and it is a logical reaction for human beings to help each other when everything is going badly. This mindset is natural in communities working for the common goods and COVID-19 shows the extent to which collaborations allow the creation…

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My Human Kit wishes to demonstrate that the concept of humanlab, a workshop inspired by fablabs and crossing humans dimensions, pedagogical techniques to transform all people, disabled or not into inventors, “do it yourself” enthusiasts, providing technical assistance hand in hand.

Bringing together
My Human Kit wants to bring together people suffering from disabilities and solutions of their concern using collective intelligence, digital manufacturing tools (3D printers, laser cutting, programmable electronic cards), and documentation of legally replicable and usable solutions.

France alone has 10 million people with disabilities including deaf 5.2 million, 3 million with physical handicaps, 1.7 million of blind or visually impaired, and 700,000 people with mental disabilities.

In the world, only 5 to 10% of hand amputees have access to prosthesis.

80% of the amputees live in an under-developed country.

Sources : INSEE / Handicap International

Our current partners

Our first partners