
Stunfest 2019 Gaming and disability

Gaming and disability: How did my impairment conditioned the choice of my games? This conference will be held by Jonathan MENIR this Friday. It takes place during the Stunfest, a festival that is all about video game culture. The Stunfest was created in 2005 and is organised by the association…

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FAB14 – fablab festival: international stand “Make for and with differently abled people”

For the first time, the 14th international fablab conference, FAB14, will be held in France in July 2018. Stages are programmed all across the country on the 14th and 15th (Fab Distributed) and then, the event will converge towards Toulouse from the 16th to the 22nd. After the solidarity stage…

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FAB14 – Round table “Open-source and the differently abled: how to turn limits into motivation”

During the 14th international fablab conference in Toulouse, FAB14, on Friday July 20th, we will have the opportunity to organize for the first time a round table with six engaged people on the themes of open-source and handicap.       Christophe Debard is the head of the fablab of…

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