For the first time, the 14th international fablab conference, FAB14, will be held in France in July 2018. Stages are programmed all across the country on the 14th and 15th (Fab Distributed) and then, the event will converge towards Toulouse from the 16th to the 22nd.

For My Human Kit, it is a unique occasion to offer moments of demonstrations and sharing with other project promoters, be they french or international (from India, Africa, the USA…), coming from the fields of the maker community, university research, education, health…

The most important events opened to the public will take place in Auray on July 14th and 15th and then in Toulouse on the 21st and 22nd during the closing weekend, the fablab festival.

As far as we know, this meeting of fablabs and structures working for and with disabled people through digital fabrication have hitherto been unseen. Thus, if you are interested, don’t hesitate to come!

We would like to thank FAB14 (Konk ar Lab and la Fabrique du Loch for Auray, Fab Foundation for the professional event, Artilect for the fablab festival) for agreeing to program this collective project put forward by our association and 10 other structures and organizations of 4 continents.
