Welcome to our fablab manager Yohann !


Here we are ! With the recruitment of Yohann Veron, our new fablab manager, the team of My Human Kit is for the first time complete.
The team will work in two different places in the city of Rennes (Britanny, France): at our official office located in the “Maison des Associations” (Associations’ House) and at the “Humanlab”, the first fablab we will open in November 2016.

Recognition in french media


Many thanks to those who gave us the opportunity to share our project:  l’Institut des futurs souhaitables (the Institute for desirable futures) for inviting Nicolas Huchet as speaker on September 15th  in Paris, the French Parliamentary Channel LCP for coming in Rennes to film us and also France 5 TV Channel (@Elena, thank you so much!). Even The Grignou – a jewel of Radio history of Rennes – did us the honor of inviting us to the Radio show of the 21rst September on the local Radio station Canal B! We finally thank the magazines Sciences et Avenir (Sciences and Future) and Bikini which offered us the honors this month.


Collaboration with the Rennes School of Business ESC


Like many associations of Rennes and Brittany, we have been selected to benefit from Resciprocity program of the Rennes School of Business, which allows us to enjoy talented volunteers students until December. Their mission: organize with us the end-of-year press conference during which we will present the activity report 2016 and our major partners …


Calls for projects: MIT & “La France s’Engage”


This month, we also took funding opportunities by replying to Gifted Citizen, a call for international project adressing the project leaders laureates from MIT innovators under 35, and especially by trying our luck in La France S’Engage, an important support program of the French Ministry of Youth and Sports. Waiting for the answers we now cross our fingers and hope it will work!


Purchasing tools for the Humanlab!


September was the month of investments to prepare the opening of our first fablab. Electronic kits, hand tools, soldering stations, laser cutter, 3D printers (including a dual head one!) form a lot of packages that reinforce our impatience to move in our fablab and to greet you …


4 targeted events from now to 2017


My Human Kit is focusing on 4 events by the end of the year: the arrangement of our Humanlab workspace in Rennes, the organization of a big hackathon in Toulouse about technical assistance to disabilities with more than 100 participants (October), the welcome of a group of disabled people in partnership with the AGEFIPH association for a first test training session, and the organization of an end-of-year press conference that will be the opportunity to unveil our major funding partners for the three following years (December).

October looks pretty wild with the scheduling of a speech at the Multimedia Library of Fougères on October 8th – we invite you to book your place – and with a large-scale action in Toulouse which it’s too early to talk about, but we are preparing since last June.

We wish you all an excellent return to work!
Stay connected.